#WasteLess Wednesday

Experiments In Waste

Lowering our impact on the daily is a daunting task. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

What if we wasted a little less just one day a week?

The Refillotment

Experiments In Waste

When people first refill, it’s often because a friend has got them to try it. Advocacy is the name of the game, but we need places and spaces that makes that first refill easy and accessible.

The ‘I am Universal’ System

Experiments In Waste

With there being so many different sized bottle necks and openings, adopting a refill machine to fit them all is extremely challenging…

It’s Time for Change

Experiments In Waste

People lack the time to act more sustainably, even when though they want to.

So where do we find that time?
Family, Friends, Health, Work?

Mmm, work could work…

Community Refill Heroes

Experiments In Waste

One of the biggest barriers to refilling is access to refill points. Since Covid, neighbourhoods and community have never been stronger.

Would you become a Community Refill Hero?

The Refill Tipping Point

Experiments In Waste

For many, refilling is not affordable. Because only premium brands offer it.

But for retailers and brands to offer more refills, we need more people to take up refill behaviour. Generating that demand, creates the supply.



COULD YOU CYCLE IT? Did you know that 50% of car journeys are under 2 miles?  Switching just one trip per day from the car to cycling could reduce your carbon footprint by around 0.5 tonnes per year, equivalent to flying from London to Boston. To help encourage us back into the saddle this Spring […]


Experiments In Waste

So what do you do once you’ve published a Refill Report packed with questions, challenges and open ended what-ifs?

You hack, that’s what you do.You hack the hack out of it. Introducing the Refill Hack.



How brands, retailers and regulators can kickstart a refilling revolution to help tackle the plastic waste crisis.


Experiments In Waste

Welcome to THE WASTE DATABASE, our latest Experiment in Waste. Designed to help people notice different forms of waste and for us to get a clearer understanding of all the things that people waste in their daily lives.


Experiments In Waste

New refill systems are making it much easier and simpler to refill. But we know the messiness puts some people off

We’ve commissioned a series of animations all about trying to break down the barriers to more refilling.

Refilling a water bottle Refilling a water bottle


Experiments In Waste

Our modern lifestyles are beset by having less and less time – creating more and more waste. Critical thinker Ted Hunt explores the relationship between time and waste.

Top Ideas to Waste Never

Laundry Against Landfill

Clothes shouldn’t be disposable, and we have more than enough to go around. Secondhand is a cheap and effective way to fight fast fashion. Check these 3 easy ideas for how not to waste your clothes, plus lots of suggestions on how to get you started keeping those clothes working harder, right away.

We can do better by washing less

Laundry Against Landfill

Laundry. Live alone or have a huge family – we all have to do it, right? I’ve been asked by the laundry-loving guys at Ecover to share some easy ideas and sustainable stats to help you wash your clothes less. Our combined laundry bill is being picked up by the planet and we can do better by doing less.

Can creativity create a good habit?

Experiments In Waste

We all want to do better. Whether that’s use less plastic, compost food waste or get into the refill habit. With the best intentions in the world, there’s one little matter that often gets in our way. Grey matter. Our brain. Our memory.

The Refillution has begun


Since 1989 we’ve been banging the refill drum, or filling up the same bottle, because plastic is too valuable a resource to waste. Plastic is the last thing we should be throwing away

Ecover partners with City To Sea on World Refill Day


This World Refill Day – 16th June – we’re excited to announce our first annual partnership with City To Sea, the environmental organisation campaigning to stop plastic pollution.

Drumroll please…Meet the winners

Fertilise The Future

The Floodplain Meadow Partnership are UK winners of our FERTILISE THE FUTURE fund. They’re restoring floodplain meadows in the Thames Valley and setting out to prove it’s a kick-ass tool in the fight against climate change.

Why we launched a fund for the future

Fertilise The Future

When the world is turned upside down, what’s the plan then? We launched a fund to champion the eco-pioneers of tomorrow. Because we need them more than ever as we face the climate crisis.