30 brilliant brains came together at The Refillution Hackathon, armed with a load of post-it notes, and unlimited coffee to tackle 3 key challenges from The Refill Report


How can we CHANGE BEHAVIOUR to accelerate a cultural shift to refilling?

🧐 The Problem

For many, refilling is not affordable. Because only premium brands offer it.

But for retailers and brands to offer more refills, we need more people to take up refill behaviour. Generating that demand, creates the supply.

💡 The Idea

Let’s develop a savings and perks program to incentivise reuse behaviours across everyday items.

Creating demand for refills could be the tipping point to push retailers and brands offer more refills.

💁🏽 Who’s it for


So what do you think?

Can you see the idea working?
Refilling is not just for premium brands.

Comment below 👇